Thursday, April 30, 2009

Songs of Tears

If I could play a song
A song of my heart
What kind of song will it be
Would it be famous?
Would it be fabulous?
Would it be on the charts?
Would it set a new record?
It need not be
So long as it is a song from my heart
From this broken heart of my
That has been crushed
That has been shattered
That has been smashed
That has been wounded
The wound so deep
That nothing seems to help
That tears seem to flow so easily
That tears are my only comfort
That tears are my only friend
That tears are all I have now
Tears from the broken hearted
If only tears could speak
If only tears could write
If only tears could sing
If only tears could
Tears would be my song

Just started

I don't know if this will ever work. mel mel is it really you to blog? hehe